The value of exports of Sulawesi Tenggara in January 2016 was US $ 7.35 million and the export volume recorded a 3.33 thousand tons - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Wakatobi Regency

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The value of exports of Sulawesi Tenggara in January 2016 was US $ 7.35 million and the export volume recorded a 3.33 thousand tons

The value of exports of Sulawesi Tenggara in January 2016 was US $ 7.35 million and the export volume recorded a 3.33 thousand tonsDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : March 1, 2016
File Size : 0 MB


The value of exports of Sulawesi Tenggara in January 2016 was US $ 7.35 million or decreased by 75.53 percent compared to exports in December 2015 were recorded at US $ 30.04 million . While the volume of exports in January 2016 recorded 3.33 thousand tons, decreased by 86.98 percent compared to exports in December 2015 amounted to 25,57 thousand tons .
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Wakatobi (Statistics of Wakatobi Regency)Jl. Utudae Samad No.25

Kelurahan Mandati III

Kec. Wangi-Wangi Selatan

Kab. Wakatobi

Sulawesi Tenggara




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