October 2024 Year on Year (y-on-y) inflation in Sulawesi Tenggara Province was 0.71 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Wakatobi Regency

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October 2024 Year on Year (y-on-y) inflation in Sulawesi Tenggara Province was 0.71 percent

Release Date : November 1, 2024
File Size : 1.19 MB


  • In October 2024 there will be year on year (y-on-y) inflation in Southeast Sulawesi Province of 0.71 percent with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 105.94. Inflation The highest occurred in Kolaka Regency at 1.66 percent with a CPI of 106.80 and the lowest occurred in Kendari City at 0.71 percent of the CPI amounting to 105.67. Konawe Regency was recorded as experiencing the deepest y-on-y deflation 0.63 percent with a CPI of 105.54.
  • Y-on-y inflation occurs due to an increase in prices as indicated by rising prices expenditure group index, namely: food, beverage and tobacco groups by 1.08 percent; equipment, tools and routine maintenance groups households by 0.10 percent; health group at 0.58 percent; transportation group by 0.13 percent; recreation, sports, and groups culture by 2.11 percent; education group at 1.02 percent; group provision of food and drinks/restaurants by 2.45 percent; and groups personal care and other services amounted to 3.51 percent. Expenditure group which experienced a decrease in the index, namely: the clothing and footwear group of 1.39 percent; housing, water, electricity and household fuel groups by 0.35 percent; and the information, communications and financial services group of 0.70 percent.
  • Southeast Sulawesi Province experienced month to month (m-to-m) deflation of 0.17 percent and year to date (y-to-d) inflation of 0.46 percent.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Wakatobi (Statistics of Wakatobi Regency)Jl. Utudae Samad No.25

Kelurahan Mandati III

Kec. Wangi-Wangi Selatan

Kab. Wakatobi

Sulawesi Tenggara


 E-Mail: bps7407@bps.go.id





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