In January, combined Year on Year (yoy) inflation for 2 cities in Southeast Sulawesi was 6.57 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Wakatobi Regency

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In January, combined Year on Year (yoy) inflation for 2 cities in Southeast Sulawesi was 6.57 percent

Release Date : February 1, 2023
File Size : 1.96 MB


  • In January 2023 there was a year on year (yoy) combined year on year (yoy) CPI inflation for 2 cities with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 115.51. The highest yoy inflation occurred in Kotabaru at 7.78 percent with a CPI of 119.97 and the lowest occurred in Sorong at 3.23 percent with a CPI of 112.02.
  • Inflation occurred due to price increases as indicated by increases in most of the expenditure group indices, namely: the transportation group by 22.82 percent; the education group by 8.00 percent; equipment, tools, and household routine maintenance group of 5.52 percent; personal care and other services group of 4.79 percent; the housing, water, electricity and household fuel group by 4.38 percent; the food, beverage and tobacco group by 3.99 percent; the group providing food and drink/restaurants by 3.69 percent; the recreation, sports and culture group by 2.07 percent; the health group and the clothing and footwear group each by 1.75 percent. Meanwhile, the expenditure group that experienced a decrease in index was the information, communication and financial services group by 0.06 percent.
  • The combined inflation rate of the 2 CPI cities month to month (mtm) and the January 2023 year to date (ytd) inflation rate were each of -0.29 percent.
  • Commodities contributing to yoy inflation include air transportation, gasoline, household fuel, inner-city transportation, rice, cars, filter clove cigarettes, academies/universities, cooking oil and mackerel/bloated fish/banyar fish/gembolo fish/ aso-aso fish.
  • Commodities that contributed to the yoy deflation included anchovies, bird's eye chilies, flying fish/engol fish, cakalang fish/fish scales, moringa leaves, spinach, rambe fish, red chilies, headscarves/veils and young papaya.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Wakatobi (Statistics of Wakatobi Regency)Jl. Utudae Samad No.25

Kelurahan Mandati III

Kec. Wangi-Wangi Selatan

Kab. Wakatobi

Sulawesi Tenggara







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